Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Owen's Lodge

I have been working on Owen's room for a couple weeks. I started painting last fall, then didn't work on it again until last week. I still have a little ways to go. But I am so excited about it so far, I wanted to show my family what I have done. I painted this just this afternoon. It was probably the easiest wood project. I painted with regular craft paint. Then I sprayed the painted part with a clear coat. Then I took a dark stain and rubbed over the top. I am planning on haning it up on the wall.
This is a picture of the bottom part of the curtain. And one of the wagon wheels I had outisde on my front porch. I lined the back of the curtian with black fabric so it will block out light during the day. Good for naps. Here is the reading bench. I am really happy about it. I put hinges on the seat so it will create a wee bit of storage under the seat. Maybe for books. I like the way the dark wood contrasts with the unfinished. It gives it a more rustic look. Those are the pillows I sewed today and Denton helped me stuff them. The shingles are that black craft foam, I just hot glued them down.


Crazy Herb Girl said...

I read Sarah's comment and I have to agree! My mouth will not close! I knew you were talented, but not an interior decorater/designer/artist/creative genius/seamstress!

I also can't believe with an almost one year old you can say "and I did this today and that today". ONE DAY?!!!! I am in awe.

Three Love kids said...

so cute. when are you going to take me serious? i need one of everything you make. i am willing to pay too... if only you could!!

Natalie said...

Ummmmm.......am I related to you?? You completely AMAZE me! Great work! I am very, very impressed, to say the least!

Jamie C. said...

Amanda I can't believe you! This is amazing! You are so talented! That room is adorable...I love the wagon wheel! What lucky boys to sleep in such a great room created by their mother! Keep sharing your talents, I'm gonna steal them all!